Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The day I met Super Chris

My days consist of getting up late, playing computer games, walking to town, searching for jobs online and cooking dinner. Cooking dinner is the most fun part, made roast lamb last night (NZ lamb as it turned out, I didn't realise til I went to open it, oops carbon footprint!) and have been having fun with pasta. Joe is pretty stoked to come home to delicious dinners every night :)

I am yet to find a job, which is pretty frustrating. There's only so long one can spend doing nothing at home. And sleeping in is incredibly tiring, how does that even work? Signed up with a recruiter who is meant to be putting me forward for a decent 6 month contract at the moment, but haven't heard anything yet. Fingers crossed I get an interview this week, I don't think I can handle much more of slouching around...

I've finally met Chris and Milly! That's Joe's brother and his wife, who live in London. We went out last weekend (like a week ago) and stayed with them for a couple of days. It was really fun, they made us delicious margeritas and mexican food, and took us out to the London Eye and a neat Banksy exhibit near Waterloo Station. Check the photo album for pics (also nice sunset pics from our house :D)

Between the Eye and the Banksy stuff, we actually rescued someone. There probably should be some lead up to that...

When we went to get on the bus in the morning, we noticed a poster at the bus stop advertising a lost man. Apparently Luis had gone for a walk the night before, and hadn't come home, couldn't speak any English and was probably very lost, please call us if you find him.

Well, as we wandered around near Waterloo Station looking for Banksy, Chris turned back, and then said to me 'Jen, is that the lost guy?' I wasn't sure, but he went back to talk to him. The dude was looking very lost, and didn't speak any English, looked a bit dirty and tired too. We worked out that he spoke Portugese, and so I tried out a few spanish phrases (they're kinda similar, right?) Worked out that his name was in fact, Luis. Was that the name on the poster? We thought it was.

So, Chris went into the Station to find some bobbys and we stood on the street with Luis waiting. Joe then shared our delicious banana cake with him (we bought it at the Borough food market, which is by the way AWESOME) and he very much liked that :)

Cops came out, we tried a bit more to communicate with him, then the coppers told us to move on and we waved him goodbye. Moved on to the Banksy, lots of warm fuzzy feelings and slaps on the back for Chris (he was of course modest :D)

We got back to the bus stop at the end of the day trip, and realised that yes, we had in fact found the lost man! Chris then called the number on the poster to check that he'd gotten home, and he had, yay, and then Chris said 'No no I don't want you to send me anything, we're just happy he's home, no no really. You're welcome. You're very welcome ..etc etc ..."

Basically, High Five Chris and you rule :D

The next day we went to the British Museum and checked out some of the Egyption, Greek and Roman artifacts, which were pretty cool but kinda lacking context. I think I'll enjoy going to Greece and Rome and seeing the actual things in their proper place. Should be awesome :D

Anyways, since then it's pretty much been Jen the homebody, Joe the hardworker. I'll apply for some jobs before I go to bed. Soon I will start knitting or something. Oh noes...


djbigted said...

Don't get preggers now, y'hear?!

Jenni said...

Excitements! Who knew that viewing graf art could lead to superheroism?
