Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ten down, two to go

Months that is. Til we get back :)

So we no longer have a flat! Or jobs. We've been staying in London at Chris and Milly's which is very very appreciated. During this time we have done a few basic siteseeing trips, such as visiting the Tate Modern again (it changes regularly! ) and also a further afield trip - we went to Bath and Cardiff from Tuesday to Friday.

Bath was very lovely, we went to dinner at a Jamie Oliver restaurant (I love that guy) and to the Roman Baths. Also went on a super awesome free walking tour of Bath given by this sweet old dude who I'm sure has lived in Bath all his life and now gives these tours every day. He was so cute, there are some pics of him with his little cap in our album...

The drive to Cardiff was in no way direct - we did a bit of a drive through the Vale of Glamorgan and then hung out on Cardiff Bay. Our hostel was lovely, better than the Bath one anyway, and on our second day we went to Cardiff Castle and had a tour of an awesome old Victorian house, built by (at the time) the richest man in Britain. It was seriously ridiculous - gold plated decorated ceilings, awesome nursery decked out with amazing art and fixtures, way too many smoking rooms, and all for a dude who only spent 6 weeks of the year there. On accout of he had like 6 other castles to hang out in! Lucky for some. Drove back a scenic route, mostly because we took a wrong turn at some point but was pretty much the right direction so all good.

This weekend has been pretty casual, but today was my birthday (yay! 25!) and I had a cake baked for me by my lovely boyfriend - he also got me some awesome trinkets from the Globe store (tea towel with 'Out damn spot!' and a badge with 'exit - pursued by a bear' tee hee). He is a sweety :) We went out for a Harry Potter themed London Walk and then for dinner at a place called Navajo Joe's in Covent Garden, which was pretty tasty, a Texmex kind of deal. Yum!

Anyways, tomorrow we are off on the third to last phase of our year long odessy; Italy and France. There has been a slight change to the plans, instead of Bordeaux we are hitting up Nice. This is because the train lines between Geneva and Bordeaux suck ass and Nice is easier, so Nice it is! A beach trip will be quite a difference after (hopefully) our day of skiing in Geneva. We tried to book a tour of the CERN facility, but we're on a waiting list so not sure if we'll get into that. But there's a exhibit or something that we can look at regardless so it should be interesting :)

Not sure how the internet coverage will be on this trip, but will try to update often (mostly so I don't have to sit down after 2 weeks and try to remember what we've been doing). What fun! Now to hurridly learn some Italian :S

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