Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Coffee Machine 3 - Joe 0

Hi Guys

We've stolen some internet from someone in Becky's building. So this post is brought to you with help from megumi, who doesn't secure their wireless connection. Yay! >:D

So Sushi the other night was good times. I just ordered what ever Ryota had. Which was a few orders of various raw fish, some eel, some shrimp and some miso soup. All quite delicious.

Kazu and Ryota are quite funny. Becky and the other Jet teachers have taught them all sorts of dirty words which they like to practise every now and then :)

So yesterday we went to Himeji Castle. We didn't go straight away we dawdled around Beckys for abit. And then went to Sonnomiya on the train. The first carriage we got on Jen noticed there were only girls on it. And at the first stop we got off to transfer and noticed that the carriage had alot of signs on it saying "Womens Only" Opps :o So anyway they didn't call the police or anything. I guess that silly giajin must do it often.

The trains are pretty awesome. If you have trouble working the ticket machine, or your just lazy you can order the cheapest ticket and then once you get to where you want to be, you can get a fare adjustment and it will tell you how much more to pay.

So in Sonnomiya we hung around looking at shops and even played a little Dance-Dance-Revolution. Which was a silly idea because we were going to be on our feet all day. Also there are a massive number of Pachinko and Slot machines. Every second shop is one of these and has a handfull of old guys in it.

Speaking of machines there are a massive number of vending machines here. And they are everywhere too, not just the cities. You could be walking through the bush up Nunibiki and find one. And often they have hot drinks in them. Which is pretty exciting, getting a hot can of coffee from a vending machine. :D Also on the topic of machines there are also heaps of Catcha-Catcha machines, i think that's how it is said. They have in them small toys that you can hang off your cellphone and bags. Mostly they are pokemon or Dragon Ball. But i saw some yesterday that were of naked, and semi-naken girls in degradingly submissive poses. These are just on the street for anyone to have. Some of them had girls in them that looked like they were six! Sifty hentai girls seem to be the norm here.

I'll let Jen talk about Himeji, but i'll finish my rant about machines with my arch-enemy the coffee machine.

I had bought a coffee when we went bowling. And i had totally screwed it up. There are buttons on there for selecting milk and sugar, and if you just leave them it defaults to none. Ryota saw me do this and laughed as I tried to drink my bitter black coffee. So anyway i had another attempt at these machines in Himeji. This time i ordered my coffee and then pressed the milk and sugar buttons. But nothing happened. Each coffee is 110¥ which isn't too bad so i thought i'd give it another go. This time before i selected which coffee i wanted. I pushed the milk and sugar buttons which lit up and made sounds so i thought i was on the right track. But then the sounds turned to a more piercing whining sound and all my lights went off. So i thought perhaps its because i had made all the selections avialable to me and could now order. But when i did the coffee came out again with no milk and sugar. Coffee machine 3 - joe 0. I guess i'll get an interpreter the next time i try and have a coffee :(

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is the gods telling you "No more coffee". No more coffee Joe. You don't need it... it is evil.